Northern Light Gas Co-op



1. What is a Co-op?

Northern Lights Gas Co-op Ltd. is a member owned utility company that sells natural gas to a rural franchised
area in northern Alberta including the communities of La Crete and Fort Vermilion. A co-op operates for the
benefits of its members. Members meet once a year to elect a board consisting of seven directors. The
directors, in turn, hire management to oversee the day-to-day affairs in a way that serves the interest of the
members. All excess income is invested back into the co-op.

2. Who does NLGC purchase natural gas from?

Our natural gas is purchased directly through Gas Alberta Inc.

3. Where is the capital that the Co-op requires for operation/maintenance of the system derived from?

Capital is derived from the delivery charge which covers distribution costs. The delivery charge is currently set at $1.42 /GJ.

4. What does the monthly fixed charge cover?

This is to help offset the cost of public liability insurance, routine testing and maintenance on all gas lines,
regulators, meters and odorizing stations, as well as line locates for members, contractors, and non-members. It
also generates income to repay the loan that was taken for the construction of the alternative supply line. This
charge is levied on both active and inactive risers.

5. Why does the price of natural gas fluctuate?

The price of natural gas is constantly changing due to influences on supply and demand, as are most
commodities. Suppliers have greater access to markets due to pipeline expansion. Supply quite often cannot
keep pace with demand, which raises the price of the commodity.

6. What to do if I hit a gas line?

Alberta One Call should be contacted prior to any ground disturbance. Should you hit a gas line by accident,
call our office to report and have one of our field staff respond and repair the line. Line hits are chargeable to
the homeowner therefore every possible measure should be taken to avoid this when working around
underground utilities.

7. Why do you have to change my meter?

We are enrolled in a government program that requires us to change the meters every 5-7 years. The meters are
then sent to a Meter Shop to be tested and resealed to be used again.

8. What is needed to install my new meter?

We require a copy of the gas permit sent to the office prior to the meter hang, the gas line(s) must be air tested
and hold 20 pounds for 20 minutes.

9. Can I put secondary gas line and power line in the same trench?

Secondary services can be in a common trench with a minimum 1 foot separation.

10. Is it normal to smell gas by the meter?

This is not normal, however, on occasion, the regulator may vent causing a gas smell. Any smell of gas,
whether inside or out, should be reported. NLGC will send trained personnel to find and verify the leak for free.

11. What is CO and does NLGC check for it?

CO (CARBON MONOXIDE) is a common industrial hazard resulting from the incomplete burning of natural
gas and carbon based material containing carbon such as gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane, coal, or wood.
Remember, CO is a poisonous, colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. We will respond to CO and gas leaks for
free to determine where/what the cause is, however it is the customers responsibility to repair or hire a
professional to fix any leaks on their side of the meter.

12. Do you have after hour services?

After hour services are for emergencies only. Please call 780-841-4803 to contact one of our service personnel.

13. Do you set up separate accounts for renters?

Yes we do set up accounts for renters. In order for us to do this though we do require a $300.00 security deposit
as well as renters contact information before the account can be transferred.

14. What is the Federal Fuel Charge?

The Federal Fuel Charge is part of the Federal government’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. It is a per
Gigajoule (GJ) rate applied to the consumption of gas in a month. Utilities are required to collect the Federal
Fuel Charge from consumers.

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